My Favorite Links
Below you will find
links to sites that may be of interest to you. They all are very
informative sites. Most of the sites have lots of pictures to
Organizations of interest:
Michigan Bird
and Game Breeders Association:Hosted by the MBGBA. A new site
dedicated to the members of the Michigan Bird and Game Breeders
Association. Information about the club, membership privileges,
several articles of interest and pictures submitted by members
can be found here.
Bird and Game Breeders AssociationHosted by This club based in Wisconsin has
approximately 400 member, including members from many other
states. Wisconsin Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. is for anyone
who raises, or is interested in any kind of bird, game animal or
Pheasant and Waterfowl Society:Hosted by the APWS. A site
dedicated to the American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society.
Information about the club, membership benefits, articles of
interest and pictures can also be found here.
Gamebird sites.
Acres Hosted by Roman Kmicikewycz. An extremely nice site
with many pictures of various pheasant species. Also includes
"On The Road with Roman", a pictorial account of the
many places he has visited. A very nice site to explore.
The Game Bird and
Waterfowl Page: Hosted by Dan Cowell. One of the best sites
that I have found about gamebirds, full of information and lots
of pictures. The host of this site also hosts a message board.
Check for the message board link below.
This page is a galliformes species list with their scientific
names included.
Dr. Leland
B. Hayes's new web site:This is a new web site being put up
by Dr. Leland B. Hayes. It is under construction at this time but
I'm sure it will be well worth the wait. Leland B. Hayes is a
very knowledgeable person and shares his information freely for
all to use. Dr. Hayes also puts out an E-Zine about game birds,
delivered weekly by e-mail. To find further information about the
E-Zine check out my organizations page or visit his site.
PeafowlHosted by Alex Ancona. A very good site to visit to
view the different color variations of peafowl. This site
includes several pages of pictures of the peafowl the Ancona's
raise. They sell peachicks when available and can give you
information about peafowl.
& T Pheasants and ExoticsHosted by Jeff Michael. A new
site with information about, and pictures of, several species of
pheasants, quail, waterfowl, peafowl and a few exotic animals.
One of the few persons with Cabot Tragopans in Michigan.
Waterfowl sites.
of Chenoa:An excellent, informative waterfowl site with links
to sites about particular species.
An excellent waterfowl site. Has a lot of information about, and
pictures of, many species of waterfowl.
Wildfowl: Hosted by Greatnorthern. This site is an
aviaries-refuge with lots of wild waterfowl information.
Jan's Ornamental
Waterfowl Page:Hosted by Jan Harteman. This site is from the
Netherlands. A lot of this site is in Dutch but it contains some
very good pictures of waterfowl; Ducks, geese, Swans and
screamers. Very good information and a message board also
available at his site.
Poultry sites.
Coop: A very good poultry, waterfowl, and gamebird site.
Primary focus is on breeders and exhibitors of domestic and wild
Site - The Poultry Page: An online zoological garden of
domestic poultry. This is my favorite poultry site. Includes
photos and information about various breeds of fowl. Wild fowl
are also included on this site.
Poultry Connection: This site owned by Tim Jones, the host of
the "Poultry Connection Auction" (a link to the online
auction is available below). This site contains poultry
information, a classifieds section, a message board and much
The Poultry
Place: This site has poultry information, a classified
section, a message board, and chat. Also features, Mike's Breed
of The Month, a description of a different breed monthly.
General Poultry Prints: This site has many color prints of
various poultry species that are exceptional. A very good picture
reference for poultry.
The next link is to the
most spectacular source of information about Game-birds, Poultry
and Waterfowl ever put together on one site.
Valley's Cyberlibraries Hosted by Manzano Valley Pheasantry
and Wildlife Trust. Compiled and Maintained by Dr. Jim Clary.
This site has over 3,000 references on aviculture dedicated to
the principles and ideals of the American Pheasant and Waterfowl
Society. All documents in the libraries are from the public
domain. They are posted as a public service for informational and
educational purposes only. Commercial use of these documents is
A list of several message
boards I have found pertaining to game birds and poultry. If you
know of any I have not listed here please e-mail
the moderator and submit the
Peafowl, Waterfowl and Gamebird Message Board Hosted by Red
Cedar River Birds and Game. Our message board to further the
interest in gamebirds, waterfowl, and poultry. Use this board for
anything concerning fowl of all types.
& Waterfowl Message Board: Hosted by Dan Cowell. Message
board serving game bird and waterfowl. A highly regarded board
with many posts.
Gamebird Question
& Answer Board: Hosted by Western Game Bird Association.
Ask or answer questions relating to gamebirds here. Most, if not
all, questions asked will receive an answer.
Corner Pheasantry Forum: Hosted by Bob Calloway.A new twist
on Message boards. This board contains 5 separate bird related
forums. A great setup.
Swappers Board: Everything about eggs can be found on this
board. Sell, swap, trade, or post wanted adds for eggs. Very
interesting with lots of posts.
Peninsula Pheasant, Waterfowl Message Board: Feel free to
post on this board for advertising Pheasants, Waterfowl or any
other type birds. You may also post Animal and any updates on
laws regarding Pheasants, Waterfowl and animals. Information
pertaining to their health and care may be included for
educational purposes.
Swappers Board: Hosted by Stonegate Meadows. Anything about
poultry goes on this board also. Another good message board.
A message board and a few
sites for my button quail friends:
Button Quail
Bulletin Board: Hosted by The Button Quail Home Page.
Anything and everything about button quail is posted on this
button quail lovers board.
Aviaries: Hosted by Garrie P. Landry. Mainly a Finch site but
Garrie is a fancier of Button Quail and has a very informative
button quail page. He has also authored a book about button quail
available on his site.
Button Quail
Home Page: Hosted by Michele. A very nice site to visit about
button quail. Excellent information and pictures too. She is also
the hostess of the Button Quail Bulletin Board
A Gamebird and Waterfowl
Discussion Group:
e-group:Hosted by Dan Cowell. Similar
to a message board but the posts are e-mailed to the members.
This is a discussion group for gamebird and waterfowl hobbyists.
Click to subscribe to gbwf
A few online auctions for
Cyber Poultry On-Line Hosted by Swan Haven and James Gang Gamebirds and
Waterfowl. A "NEW" online poultry auction with several
different categories including birds, eggs, equipment and
supplies. A new place to visit and possibly bid on the products
offered. A bid on any auction board is a contract with the
seller. If you do not want to purchase the item do
not bid.
MDK Gamebird & Poultry Auction: Hosted by Keith Smith, Created by: Stan
Robinson. An online poultry auction. We provide
you with a FREE Online Auction, as
well as a place to list your birds for sale.
Another place to visit and possibly bid on the products offered.
A bid on any auction board is a contract with the seller. If you
do not want to purchase the item do not bid.
Poultry Connection Online Auction @ Hosted by The Poultry Connection and Stonegate
Meadows. An online poultry auction with several different
categories including books, birds, eggs, equipment and supplies.
Also Ratites,eggs, and supplies. A great place to visit and
possibly bid on the products offered. A bid on any auction
board is a contract with the seller. If you do not want to
purchase the item do not bid.
Hatcheries and Equipment
Reston Gamebird Farm: Many pheasant species, quail, francolin, some
bantams, chukar, and ringnecks. N.P.I.P. approved, does ship.
B+D Game Farm:
Quail, pheasants, partridge, red junglefowl, guineas, and India
blue peafowl. Eggs, chicks, started, and mature birds.
Murray McMurray Hatchery: Poultry, waterfowl, peafowl, partridge/quail,
guineas, turkeys, and pheasants, also have supplies.
Cedar Grove Farms: Pheasant, quail, waterfowl, partridge, and
peacocks. Specializing in shipping eggs for the beginner or
Manzano Valley Hatchery: Pheasants, peafowl, partridge, and quail.
Maintains very strong blood lines. N.P.I.P. approved, does ship.
Rocky Mountain Hatchery & Gamebirds: Pheasant and partridge. This si also a very
informative site. Information about all aspects of raiseing
gamebirds, diseases and more. A very good site to visit.
Privett Hatchery:
Poultry, turkeys, bantams, ducks, geese and others. Phone orders
only at this time.
Ideal Poultry Breeding Farms Inc: Poultry, bantams, turkeys, ducklings, goslings,
guineas. Credit card orders by phone.
Mt. Healthy Hatchery: Production poultry, ducks, turkeys, geese, and
ringnecks. Chicks only. Phone orders at this time.
Larry's Poultry:
Poultry breeds, specialty breeds, ducks, geese, and guinea. Also
has supplies.
Belt Hatchery: A
wholesale poultry hatchery providing day old chicks. Standard,
heavy and specialty breeds.
Horizon Micro-Environments: This company sells shipping boxes for adult
birds being shipped via express mail.
If you desire a longer
listing than above, check out Feathersites-
A Zoo link just for fun.
ZooNet Bird and Fowl Gallery: A page full of different bird species, click on
the small image to view a large picture.
I hope you have enjoyed
my links page. If you have found a link, or have a site, that you
would like added, please e-mail with URL and short description.
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